
Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.One day.Mike recei

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Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.One day.Mike received an e-mail from Sophia Jones.She wrote an e-mail to Mike who is the contact person of Monsell.Sophia Jones asked some information about Registered Education Savings Plan of Monsell.Read the e-mails.A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences.Select the best answer to complete the text.Then select the right answer.Dear Mike,I am one of those concerned mothers who believe that education is the key[1]our children’s future.But as far as I know,it’s costly-currently as much as$60,000 for a four year degree at a Canadian university.My daughter Alisa has just got[2]to the University of Toronto.On one hand,I am thrilled at this great news,while on the other hand,I am a little bit worried[3]our moderate financial status.As a result,I write this to ask for suggestions on ways to maximize our education savings.How many options do I have and how do they work I really appreciate and look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Sophia JonesRecently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.One day.Mike received an e-mail from Sophia Jones.She wrote an e-mail to Mike who is the contact person of Monsell.Sophia Jones asked some information about Registered Education Savings Plan of Monsell.Read the e-mails.A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences.Select the best answer to complete the text.Then select the right answer.Dear Mike,I am one of those concerned mothers who believe that education is the key[1]our children’s future.But as far as I know,it’s costly-currently as much as$60,000 for a four year degree at a Canadian university.My daughter Alisa has just got[2]to the University of Toronto.On one hand,I am thrilled at this great news,while on the other hand,I am a little bit worried[3]our moderate financial status.As a result,I write this to ask for suggestions on ways to maximize our education savings.How many options do I have and how do they work I really appreciate and look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Sophia JonesMrs.Jones,Firstly,please send my sincere congratulations to Alisa for getting into the University of Toronto.As far as I can see,our Registered Education Savings Plan(RESP)is the[4]way to help you maximize your education savings.Tax-sheltered investment growth and eligibility for government grants can make a big contribution to your child’s future.This plan consists of the[5]plan and the family plan.The former is to open an RESP for an individual child,while with a family plan you can name one or more children as beneficiaries.Attached is a brochure on RESP.Please feel free to write to me if any further information is needed.[4]
B:more perfect
C:most perfect




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