
资料:packing tipsMark your bags with a brightly colored string or ribbon to assist you in identifying

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资料:packing tipsMark your bags with a brightly colored string or ribbon to assist you in identifying your bag quickly on the baggage caroused.For security reasons, ensure you pack your bags yourself and do not at any time leave them unattended. Never carry a package or baggage for someone else unless you have completely checked the contents.Never wrap or package gifts; security personnel may need to inspet them.Keep medication and fragile items in your carry-on baggage. Keep all medication in its orginal, labelled container and carry the physician’s prescription with you.When you check your bags, make sure you get the correct number of luggage claim stubs and that each one is marked with the correct city name of your destination on your luggage tags.Malaysia Airline advisers that the following items may not be included in your baggage and liability is limited under the applicable international Convention for your damage of loss:-cash, negotiable bonds, deed, etc-jewellery, antiques or similar valuable items-any item of a fragile or brittle nature (e.g. glassware)-electrical/electronic items (e.g. computer, camera, mobile phone, audio equipment)-food or any perishable item-any item that has insufficient packaging (e.g. surfboard, bicycle, musical instrument)According to the packing tips, what should you do in order to identify your luggage more quickly?
A:Rush out to the baggage carousel
B:Use a grey suitcase
C:Head to the Lost & Found
D:Mark with a brightly colored string




综合知识     tipsMark     brightly     colored     identif     packing    


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